Differences between SEA360 and Google Ads. Which option is better?

Search Ads 360 is a search management platform that helps agencies and marketers worldwide.

What is Search 360 and who should use it?

Search Ads 360 is a search management platform that helps agencies and marketers efficiently manage some of the largest search marketing campaigns in the world, across multiple engines and media channels.

If you are running campaigns on platforms like Google, Bing or Yahoo (and other platforms), you can opt to doing it from the comfort of one platform. It will save your time and you will be more efficient than ever. Google Ads is one of many search engines that SA360 can support through their platform. It also powers the following engines, giving you a distinct advantage over the competition:

  • Google Ads
  • Bing Ads
  • Yahoo Japan
  • Baidu
  • Yahoo! Gemini
SEA360 interface

Why do you need SA360 for your campaigns?

If you want to get the best ROI on your paid search campaigns, making sure that your digital advertising agency is utilizing SA360 is critical, no matter if you're marketing a car dealership, law firm, any other local business, or even an enterprise business.

Managing ad campaigns through Search Ads 360 rather than the individual platforms also means your partner has access to more advanced features, which can be used to improve costs and conversions for your business. With Search Ads 360, you save time, reduce friction, and have the ability to make better decisions about your campaigns in real-time.

We usually recommend SEA360 for clients with higher budget levels or clients who are in very competitive markets (like insurances or banks).

“Search Ads 360 provides our teams with the technology and the support we needed to maIt’s a total game-changer that most Google Ads content is now available for management. This not only extends productivity and automation, but unlocks the ability to activate things like Value Based Bidding in a way that was never before possible.”

1. Centralized Operations

With the ability to manage all campaigns across all channels in one place, SEA360 has the distinct benefit of giving you speed-to-market. Timing is everything and could be the difference between your customer choosing you over your competitors.

2. Omni-Channel Optimizations

Imagine you make one small change to your strategy, and you have to make the update to each engine or channel individually. This is the reality for many advertisers. SEA360 allows you to make changes across multiple channels with the push of a button, saving your analyst time to make more optimizations to your campaigns.

3. Automated Bidding

SEA360 offers a Smart Bidding feature that uses machine learning to analyze and adjust the real-time performance of your ad campaigns. This tool automates keyword bidding to improve the performance and return on your Search Engine Marketing (SEM) campaigns.

4. Real-Time Reporting

Search Ads 360 offers highly customizable cross-channel reporting, allowing you to easily show and explain top-level paid search advertising performance by search engine and by individual campaign level and keyword performance.

5. Ad Copy Testing

Search Ads 360 provides advertisers with a unique experiment tool that allows you to test different types of ad copy to see what performs best for your campaigns. In the past, this would require manually testing and data pulls, but with SEA360 you can easily house and test live ad copy across multiple engines in one place.

Bing and Google Ads all in one platform

Search Ads 360 is the ideal platform for corporations who target multiple search engines and ad channels. It is ideal for those, who still wish to customize their campaigns and reports to their needs, while benefiting from best-in-class bidding technology.

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